Thanks to 70+ carefully planned, precisely executed, professionally filmed and edited training videos, we take you from the very start of the process right through to the end in small, easy-to-understand, bite-sized chunks which anyone can follow.

In addition to the videos, you will also find 60+ self-empowerment exercises. These give you the opportunity to delve deeper into yourself and bring to the surface the very things that will motivate you. The exercises are deep, reflective self-coaching tasks that methodically and deliberately get your ‘inner voice’ trained to say the right things to you daily, to keep your motivation and your confidence levels high in pursuit of achieving your goal – to lose weight.

The course is intended not to replace a diet, but to be used alongside it, to keep the chances of you succeeding as high as you choose to make it.

Course Overview 👇👇

In 28 days, rewire your mind & stop food controlling you!

Days 1 & 2

3 Videos / 29.36 Mins

By the end of this module: You will have an overview of what The Weight Loss Ninja Self-Coaching Course can offer. You will discover how half of the battle of losing weight is achieved through properly preparing your thoughts and feelings.

In addition to this you will boost your confidence and motivation levels so that you stick to, and stay on, your diet. This is exactly what the course does.

By the end of this module: You will have an insight into whether this course is right for you. The course is not intended to replace therapy. Please note; an online self-coaching course can never substitute the work that a clinical psychologist / therapist / doctor does. This video should give you a better understanding of whether it is for you or not.

We strongly recommend that everyone watches this video before making a decision on whether to purchase the course. Some of the techniques in the course are deliberately designed to reveal deep-rooted motivational triggers, these techniques are not advised for people with serious eating disorders. The course has been deliberately designed for those people with everyday stress; everyday pressure; commitments; lack of time; intense jobs, and general ‘life niggles’.

By the end of this module: You will have a great understanding of the content covered in this course; content that can lead you towards your own amazing results. You will also be able to appreciate what effort is required to complete the course, and what is needed to start you on your own journey towards success.

Days 3 & 4

3 Videos / 16.23 Mins

By the end of this module: You will have an understanding of what self-coaching is and what it can do for you. To give you the tools, knowledge and skills to go deep into your mind. It will prime your motivation and confidence levels to enable you to start losing weight today.

By the end of this module: We’ll have touched upon what makes The Weight Loss Ninja 100% totally and completely different from any other diet in the world. And that is…this course is NOT a diet.

In fact this course is nothing to do with diets – whilst at the same time it’s everything to do with a diet.

All diets / weight loss programmes / weight loss plans need constant motivation in order for them to work. And that’s what we do. We cover off the motivational side of the equation. However we strongly recommend you get yourself on some form of diet or weight loss plan because it’s the diet / plan / programme that will physically lose you the weight.

Diet + Motivation = Successful Weight Loss.

By the end of this module: You will have an understanding of what self-coaching is and what it can do for you. To give you the tools, knowledge and skills to go deep into your mind. It will prime your motivation and confidence levels to enable you to start losing weight today.

Days 5 & 6

5 Videos / 27.59 Mins

By the end of this module: You will have an understanding of why it is important that simply knowing that we are all unique and individual is, in reality, a key piece of the missing jigsaw in understanding how to motivate yourself towards sticking to your chosen diet. It can even help you to choose the right diet for you in the first place.

By the end of this module: You will have an overview of what the solution is that will help you stick to your chosen diet so that you can succeed in losing weight. It is all about the mind…

By the end of this module: You will be able to better tune into your negative feelings and realise that they are there to help you. They can in fact be huge sources of motivation to ‘kick-start’ you on your weight loss journey. Embrace your negative feelings instead of trying to bury them and ignore them.

By the end of this module: You will know what the missing link has been in every diet that Nik has ever done, i.e the ability to recognise that moment when complacency happens. Where your motivation usually drops and you start returning to old habits. You will also learn how it can be replaced with what we call a ‘Towards’ motivational strategy.

By the end of this module: You will have learned how to keep your motivation going by redefining what pleasure means to you. i.e when pleasure is no longer associated with all the ‘nice’ things in life (that make you overweight). Instead it will be when you have reprogrammed your brain to associate pleasure with being thinner.

Days 7 & 8

5 Videos / 36.32 Mins

By the end of this module: You should have an appreciation of the fundamental difference that choosing to think differently and choosing to use different words can make on your own weight loss journey.

By the end of this module: You will be introduced to the concept of contrast. When we hit obstacles in the journey it is easy to lose hope. Remembering the achievements you have made, and contrasting you now with the version of you back when you were heavier, is a great way of getting everything back into perspective and boosting your motivation once more.

By the end of this module: You will have heard how positive thinking is only the tip of the iceberg. Deeper, more meaningful and intensely personal thoughts, that are connected with your past life history, can better connect you with new thoughts that you can use to act as fuel for your motivation going forwards. You will also learn how thoughts and habits are connected.

By the end of this module: In this exciting module you will be introduced to the power of the unconscious mind. Many of our thoughts, feelings and decisions are, in reality, controlled by our unconscious brain instead of, (as opposed to what we might think), our conscious mind.

Knowing this enables you to start working on how to change your unconscious thoughts and feelings to reduce the effort required to lose weight.

By the end of this module: You will know where temptation comes from. Not physical cravings; (those that are controlled by our body, hormones and often blood sugar), but you will know where your emotional temptation comes from.

Knowing this enables you to do something about it. To start to change the things over time that trigger those temptations.

Days 9 & 10

7 Videos / 43.08 Mins

By the end of this module: In this module we start to break down that horrible word called ‘change’. We take the fear out of it. Change however is vital in order to lose weight. It is that simple. However, in this video, we start the learning process in terms of seeing the word change in a totally different light. To see the word change as ‘empowerment’ instead.

By the end of this module: You will have an insight into the importance of living outside of your current comfort zone. In doing so you will be doing new things, behaving in a different way and possibly feeling slightly uncomfortable, which is great.

We need to get used to feeling comfortable with feeling uncomfortable as it shows that we are growing.

By the end of this module: You will have seen a glimpse of what it feels like to hit, and go beyond, the magical ‘Critical Mass Point’. The point where everything automatically gets so much easier because your new habits are starting to take root and form.

Those new habits reduce temptation and focus your mind even more on getting to your goal.

By the end of this module: You should know how hard it can be to focus all your efforts just on one final date, i.e. the date when you reach your target weight. Step change instead allows you to celebrate mini-successes along the way, or ‘quick wins’ as we call them.

This module explains why step change is such a key part to staying focussed and motivated.

By the end of this module: You will have seen us deconstruct what a belief is. You will have also learned how to lay foundations to appreciate that in order for you to change your habits, you must first change your beliefs.

By the end of this module: You will know what the life-changing formula E + IM = ER + DB means. It is life-changing because it will introduce you to the cause and effect nature of beliefs, and of how they affect our behaviour. You will be introduced to two new parts of this simple life equation.

You may never have thought of these two parts before, knowing that they exist means that you can do something about them. What are these two parts to the equation? Watch the video to find out.

By the end of this module: You will have seen a fantastic video to show you another formula, the 7-step process of how beliefs are formed in the first place. By understanding what happens when we form a belief, we can start the process of ‘reverse engineering’ them in order to set about changing our beliefs.

Change your belief. Change your behaviour.

Days 11 & 12

6 Videos / 32.16 Mins

By the end of this module: You should be loving yourself. We hope so anyway. This module explains the importance of self-compassion and the associated self-belief.

Being able to be self-compassionate means that you can learn believe in yourself more, and, in doing so, you can learn to focus on your positives more than your negatives. This process keeps adding and adding to your sense of motivation.

By the end of this module: Change the belief, change the behaviour, but how? In this module we introduce the powerful Triple B formula.

A simple, everyday formula that you can take with you anywhere. It can help you change the way you do things in order to open your mind up to new possibilities and new beliefs.

By the end of this module: You will have been exposed to one of the most empowering pieces of information available to anyone trying to change themselves – your brain’s ability to change physically.

This video shatters the myth of the common phrase ‘a leopard can’t change its spots’. That phrase simply isn’t true. Watch this module to find out how.

By the end of this module: You will know all about the influence and the amazing transformational effect that changing our memories can have on us losing weight.

Memories are not just what we remember, they also store our emotional connection with the past. Our emotions are such a key part of the change process.

By the end of this module: You will have heard all about ‘avoidance tactics’. Avoiding your sources of temptation can work, but only in the short term.

Long term you have to tackle your sources of temptation head on and change your emotional connection with them. In doing so, over time, the temptation gets less and less. This module will introduce you to the process of how to do this.

By the end of this module: You will have completed yet another section. Congratulations! Watch this video to get a summary and a reminder of what you have already taken on board. Well done.

Days 13 & 14

5 Videos / 33.28 Mins

By the end of this module: You will appreciate that any successful weight loss journey must start with a goal. Without a destination, how can you work out how to get there in the first place?

This module talks about the most common form of goal setting, foundational goal setting, and how to set a truly effective goal.

By the end of this module: You will be at the start of your own deep goal setting process. You will also understand how important it is to keep your goals flexible and to not have expectations. Expectations can be dangerous.

In this module we also introduce you to the two most powerful questions you can ask yourself in the entire self-coaching process.

By the end of this module: You may well be uncovering answers to your questions that reveal so much more about yourself than you ever knew previously.

Getting connected with your ‘why’ (your purpose in life) is crucial to finding out the real reasons why you want to lose weight. We hope you enjoy this module, it has the potential to change your life forever.

By the end of this module: You will have started to identify what your values are. Your values (i.e. what is important to you in life) drive your belief system, and your beliefs in turn drive your behaviour. So, if you can align your behaviour with your values, then you will tend to live a far happier life.

As weight loss means changing your old behaviour, if you can find new behaviours that are loyal to your values, you are far more likely to continue repeating that new behaviour in the future.

By the end of this module: You will know that finding alternative ways of doing things (i.e. replacement behaviours to your old habits) is part of the change process.

You will also have learned that if your new replacement behaviour is aligned with your purpose in life, and what defines you, you will enjoy your new behaviour so much more. It will be more congruent, this will make it easier and more enjoyable to keep doing it time and time again.

Days 15 & 16

5 Videos / 26.55 Mins

By the end of this module: You will know about building strong foundations. The more time you spend working on the answers to the exercises on values, purpose and identity, the stronger your foundations will be in terms of training your inner ninja. They will strengthen the fight against your weight issues.

By the end of this module: You will have learned about a proven technique that helps to boost effective goal setting – the power of visualisations.

Visualising your goal (or rather creating it in your imagination with as many senses stimulated as you can) can truly turbo-charge your weight loss goal. You will be more emotionally connected to it, wanting to achieve it more and more.

By the end of this module: You will be aware that spotting symbols and metaphors throughout your day is a crucial part of staying motivated. These thoughts usually come and go; however the training in this video will help you to spot them.

You will be able to stop and take on board what they mean to you. We are surrounded by meaningful objects that we can use to help keep our motivation and confidence levels high throughout our journey.

By the end of this module: You will see how breaking down your end goal into smaller bite-sized chunks can make the whole journey so much easier. This will allow you to fill up from start to finish with continual celebrations and rewards, instead of waiting until the very end when you reach your target weight.

By the end of this module: You will have heard a real-life case study of how it felt to have achieved a milestone goal. You will have seen what to do when you are actually experiencing the celebration, in order to help you extract the fullest potential from the event and the celebration itself.

Days 17 & 18

7 Videos / 49.47 Mins

By the end of this module: You will have an understanding of how chemical reactions inside the body can either work against us or work in our favour.

You will know that getting the mind and body in ‘balance’ is essential when goal setting as it clears your head, and enables you to see what you want with clarity and purpose.

By the end of this module: You will have seen how to perform ‘balanced breathing’. A technique that you can do anywhere, and that can access a calm and clear state which is the perfect place to be in to make effective goals. It also is the perfect state to be in as often as possible throughout your life in general.

By the end of this module: You will know when and where you can go in order to get the most out of the goal setting process. Getting away from the ‘daily grind’ is not only nice to have, it is completely critical when setting effective goals.

By the end of this module: You will know what an anchor is, what they do, how powerful they can be in maintaining your motivation throughout losing weight and, finally, how to set them up. Anchors are unbelievably powerful and one of our favourite coaching tools.

By the end of this module: You will have witnessed a moment in Nik’s weight loss journey where his tension levels were raised simply because he didn’t have his ‘anchor’ with him. You will also see what he did to rectify the problem.

Anchors are so powerful that they are also called ‘Safety Props’. In other words, you feel ‘safe’ having them to hand and they are a major part of staying motivated.

By the end of this module: You will have watched a case study bringing to life the technique of ‘Non-Avoidance’. It shows how Nik went towards one of his triggers, changed his behaviour and, ultimately, changed the belief he had associated with his trigger.

In other words the trigger takes on a new meaning to him. When a trigger takes on a new meaning, you respond differently when your trigger is ‘fired’.

By the end of this module: You will understand what ‘Internal & External Resources’ are, what opportunity they present you with, and how you need to embrace them in order to get you what you want, i.e. change.

Days 19 & 20

5 Videos / 23.42 Mins

By the end of this module: We will have introduced to you some of the main categories of personality type, and how your deeper understanding of what category you might fall into can better help you make the right choices to help you fight your weight loss battle.

By the end of this module: You may have some thoughts about whether you are more of an ‘options’ person or a ‘procedures’ person. You will also know how ‘categorising’ your personality type can get you thinking about which type of diet you will be most motivated to stick with.

This is essential as, ultimately, it will be the diet that physically loses you the weight (combined with this course to help you stay motivated and sticking with your chosen diet).

By the end of this module: We will have explored when listening to your inner voice can best serve you, and when you might find that listening to others might serve you better. We also look at how critical, utterly critical, relationships are to making sure that you achieve your goals.

By the end of this module: You will have a better understanding of when being proactive is required to lose weight and when being reactive, (i.e. allowing yourself to get reflective and able to ponder over things), will be a better state to be in.

We need both at different times along our journey in order to lose weight.

By the end of this module: You will have covered a summary of just what you have achieved and how much you have your expanded knowledge thanks to having completed this section. Well Done!

Days 21 & 22

6 Videos / 26.34 Mins

By the end of this module: You will know what this next section covers. Daily coping strategies that have worked for Nik and taken him from 19 stone 2lbs to 13 stone 10lbs (at the time of this video being edited).

By the end of this module: You will have learned about the ‘magic number 7’ and how you can use this knowledge to spot your achievements along the way.

Spotting your achievements and importantly, allowing yourself to feel the full impact of what they mean to you, is one of the best ways of keeping motivated throughout your journey.

By the end of this module: You will have watched a bonus video that will show you 2 simple techniques that can help you come back from holiday having lost weight instead of putting it on. How can that be possible?

Watch this video to see how, and witness how Nik lost 5lbs during his two week summer holiday in Greece.

By the end of this module: We will have introduced you to the power of writing therapy. Writing therapy is essentially what underpins the driving force behind the entire self-reflection exercise programme.

The success of this course for you is grounded in writing therapy. This video will detail how it works and why it is so crucial to the process of self-coaching.

By the end of this module: You will be introduced to the concept that rushing your meals can work against you. Taking your time to eat your meals, (especially in the early days when you do not yet have neuroplasticity / your new habits supporting you to their full extent), helps you feel less hungry.

In this video, you see how Nik has now developed a habit that helps slows down the process of eating a meal and keeps his hunger at bay.

By the end of this module: You will know one of the easiest techniques that you can implement. By simply delaying your response to being tempted by 10 minutes, in many cases, it means that you often ‘forget’ that you were tempted in the first place.

Watch the video to discover some simple techniques to help you avoid feeling hungry.

Days 23 & 24

6 Videos / 23.30 Mins

By the end of this module: You will realise that if you can find anchors in your life that you can carry around with you that, when temptation creeps in, you will have a ‘safety prop’ with you. This will mean that you can ‘fire your anchor’ and use it to reduce your levels of temptation.

By the end of this module: You will have learned that by making little changes to how you lay your kitchen out can help you avoid your sources of temptation whilst, at the same time, re-educate your mind as to what things trigger those very same feelings of wanting something.

By the end of this module: You will have watched a video showing how you can use some very simple, everyday techniques to help change your relationship with food.

The techniques can give you a different perspective on food and help you to see it as less of a ‘commodity’, (i.e. something that you need simply to live), and instead to see it as a piece of ‘theatre’, i.e. giving you another dimension of enjoyment, not just something to kill off your hunger. Intrigued? Watch the video to find out more.

By the end of this module: You will find out ways in which you can still be on your chosen diet, yet still be able to give yourself those little treats that prevent you from feeling deprived.

By the end of this module: You will have discovered the quickest, easiest and simplest change that you can make to your life right now to help you lose weight. If you do not drink much water, then drinking a couple of litres a day can bring with it benefits way beyond just keeping you hydrated.

Please ensure you watch this video – it details how you must spread your water consumption over the course of a day to avoid the extremely dangerous health hazard called water intoxication.

By the end of this module: For some of us, we have sadly lost the desire to pay attention to how we look. In this video you will have learned that there is a far deeper psychological reason why paying attention to your image, and how you look, can actually in itself massively help to motivate you along the way.

Days 25 & 26

6 Videos / 35.17 Mins

By the end of this module: You will have learned that keeping yourself busy in the early day does two things. First of all, it distracts your attention away from temptation.

Temptation that might be pulling you backwards towards your old habits, but it also proves to you that you CAN change, especially if you keep yourself busy with things over which you have been procrastinating for some time.

By the end of this module: You will be able to build upon your knowledge from the earlier video introducing to you the utterly crucial importance of relationships helping you to lose weight.

In this video we look at how powerful it can be to write a letter to your loved ones, involving them in your quest to become a new, thinner version of you.

By the end of this module: You will be introduced to how to react when you perhaps have an evening out when you fall off the path and lose focus on your diet.

It’s OK. It sometimes happens, and in this video you will learn why doing nothing about it is probably the worst thing you can possibly do.

By the end of this module: You will have seen how living in a digital age can greatly assist us, not only in keeping track of our weight loss, but actually also helping to keep us focussed and motivated along the way.

By the end of this module: You will know the meaning of two words that could, quite simply, change your life. Cognitive Ease. Many of us beat ourselves up by assuming that we simply have to take on more and more responsibility, and more commitment in our lives.

It is actually far better to look after yourself, reduce pressure on yourself, and take ‘time out’ in order to have more energy to, ironically, achieve more (not less) in life. This module introduces this very concept.

By the end of this module: You will have learned how important it is to keep your holiday alive in your memory banks, and how taking souvenirs back home can have a double positive effect.

They can remind you of good times on holiday and, assuming that you have also lost weight as well, such souvenirs can become anchors to help fuel your sense of achievement in the days, weeks and months after you have returned from holiday.

Days 27 & 28

4 Videos / 23.24 Mins

By the end of this module: There is only one thing left to say…a massive well done.

By the end of this module: You will have discovered some new knowledge that can help you re-focus, should you ever find yourself starting to lose the urge to stick to your diet and perhaps losing your motivation a little. It can easily happen.

As we all know by now, complacency is the absolute enemy of any dieter and often life starts to get “in the way”. In this module we explore some amazingly simple techniques to refuel yourself with that all important momentum and motivation.

All it requires is to go back in time, re-connect with your initial goals once again, and then re-evaluate how they have changed. From this process, new goals will start to emerge.

If, when you get to this part of the course, you have already lost some weight, we are about to show you a technique where you contrast your old life with what you have now, as a slimmer version of yourself.

By seeing your ‘old self’ in a disassociated way, and by feeling what your new self now gives you in terms of pleasure, this can help you to have a stronger link with who you have now become, ( i.e. it gives you a stronger connection with your new ‘identity’).

As we now know, how you see yourself, and how you connect with what defines you, is an essential part of the coaching process. Being highly aware of who you are helps to influence your behaviour at an unconscious level. When you see yourself as a thin and healthy person, you are automatically pulled towards thin and healthy behaviours associated with such a person.

In this video, Nik reaches his target weight. After just over 4 months of weight loss, Nik celebrates his achievement with his nearest and dearest.

Watch Nik talk about some of his emotions and feelings during his weekend of celebration and how it feels to have reached his target weight.